Good Morning. Just a quick reminder the Bookmobile will be at Gallina Schools today (February 4) at 2:30 pm. See you then.
12 days ago, Ricky Lindblad
Lybrook and Gallina will be on a 2-hour delay today, January 30, 2025.
17 days ago, Jemez Mtn. Schools
Good afternoon, Please find the Homecoming 2025 and Spirit Week schedule attached to this email. We hope you will partake in the weekly activities as well as attend the Varsity games on Thursday, February 6th. Since we have had very few, if any, Saturday home games scheduled this season, we have had to do our Homecoming royalty coronation and dance during the evening of February 6th. We are delighted that Mr. Lindblad has offered his full support in making this happen! Our pep rally will take place beginning at 9:30 AM in the Gomez Gym on Thursday, February 6th. The Student Council members are planning a fun event to include our Pre-K students as well! The dance will take place following the varsity basketball games and is open to grades 6th through 12th only. Staff is welcomed to attend and if you would like to assist with chaperoning, your help is greatly appreciated! We are looking forward to a fun week as we celebrate Homecoming 2025!
18 days ago, Ricky Lindblad
School for Gallina Campus will conduct as usual tomorrow, January 23, 2025.
24 days ago, Jemez Mtn. Schools
Topic: Board Workshop Time: Jan 21, 2025 04:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 2714 2959 Passcode: 397496
25 days ago, Jemez Mtn. Schools
Due to the propane being shut off, the Gallina campus will transition to remote learning tomorrow, Wednesday, 1/22/2025. Plans for Thursday are still being determined, and we will provide an update as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
26 days ago, Jemez Mtn. Schools
Gallina Campus is releasing students today at 12:30 pm, Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to a water main break. The high school basketball games are still on today and the teams will be leaving at 2:30 pm from the Gallina Campus.
26 days ago, Jemez Mtn. Schools
Bus 14 will not be running today, Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Students that ride Bus 14 will be on remote learning today.
26 days ago, Jemez Mtn. Schools
Good afternoon Everyone, I want to take a moment to give a huge shout-out to Crystal Gallegos from Coronado High School in Jemez Mountain Public Schools for her outstanding presentation at the CTE State Conference today! 🎉Crystal shared invaluable insights on their Vision and Mission, Demographics, Career-Connected Learning, Needs Assessment, CTE Programs of Study, and her Tips & Tricks for Budgeting. Coronado High School is truly leading the way in Career and Technical Education (CTE)!
about 1 month ago, Ricky Lindblad
Great job to both boy's and girl's middle school basketball teams last night. They defeated Jemez Valley.
about 1 month ago, Ricky Lindblad
Congrats to both the Boy's and Girl's basketball teams. They both played great games last night. The boys won and the girls lost. Keep up the good work!
about 1 month ago, Ricky Lindblad
“Let us keep Christmas beautiful without a thought of greed.” – Ann Garnett Schultz
2 months ago, Ricky Lindblad
As a reminder you are all invited to join us for the Performance of Hercules, presented by Gallina and Lybrook Elementary students today. The performance will begin at 1:00 and should last approximately 1 hour. We hope to see you all there. There will be a second performance for families and community members at 6:00 om tonight in Gomez Gym
2 months ago, Ricky Lindblad
Good morning. The BOOKMOBILE will be at Gallina Schools at 2:30 today (12/03). See you then.
2 months ago, Ricky Lindblad
Congrats to middle school boys and they won their first game against Cuba. Great Job!!
3 months ago, Ricky Lindblad
Quote of the day "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." — Mae West
3 months ago, Ricky Lindblad
Dear Parents, Attached you will find a hyperlinked PDF of our Sport Picture Day Flyer. Click anywhere on the PDF and it will take you directly to our online ordering page. You can also access the online ordering portal by going to and entering our event code (Event Code NM921). You can also print this order form and attach a check or cash and bring it in on picture day!
3 months ago, Ricky Lindblad
SCHOOL CLOSURE: Lybrook and Gallina will be closed on Thursday, November 7, 2024 due to inclement weather.
3 months ago, Jemez Mtn. Schools
Cross Country Results Today at districts I had one athlete make it to state! Woohoo!! 🎉 🥳 Eli Martinez is going to state this weekend, I’m super proud of him and his hard work to get to state
3 months ago, Ricky Lindblad
SCHOOL CLOSURE: JMPS Schools will be closed on Tuesday, November 5, 2024
3 months ago, Jemez Mtn. Schools