Emergency Broadband Benefit

Applications are now open!


Tens of thousands of eligible New Mexicans struggling to pay for internet services during the pandemic can apply for federal assistance to pay for broadband services and for a one-time discount to purchase a computer.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is a $3.2 billion initiative administered by the Federal Communications Commission to help lower the cost of high-speed internet for eligible households. Click here to learn more.

Benefits include the following:

  • Up to $50 month discount for broadband services per household;
  • Upto $75 month discount for broadband services per household on tribal lands;
  • A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, desktop or tablet computer purchased through a participating provider.

INSPIRE Conference 2021

The PED’s statewide Inspire conference will be June 16-19. The theme this year is Advocate, Innovate, Renew (AIR), with a focus on wellness, special education and advocacy, and opportunities for educator celebration and professional learning. More details coming soon, but you’ll find information at bit.ly/INSPIRE21ENROLL. Educators, educational leaders, and family advocates can submit presentation proposals at bit.ly/AIR21application.